Watkins Tip #4
WATKINS SETTELZ helps settle upset stomach due to sour and acid stomach, over-indulgence of food or drink, hasty eating or nervous excitement. It coats an irritated stomach and intestinal lining and returns digestion to normal.
If you have Pepto-Bismol in your cabinet, boy are you doing you and your family a disservice by not replacing it with Settelz! * Settelz' taste is soooo much better than that 'other' pink medicine. You might not have some for dessert, but kids won't complain about the taste like they do with the other.*
You'll save $12.31 by using Settelz over Pepto Bismol because Settelz costs 21 cents per use whereas Pepto Bismol costs 55 cents per use. * You only take 2 teaspoons of Settelz versus 2 Tablespoons of Pepto Bismol.
Very important tip: Have Settelz in the cabinet! When you get an upset stomach, it's a little late to order it from Watkins!
We give Settelz to our dog when she has an upset stomach too and it almost always helps her too.
When your stomach ache is something Settelz will help with, it works like magic! I've taken it and literally felt the relief as it goes down. It's that fast!
I LOVE Settelz.
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